Masimba Hwati
Harare, Zimbabwe
Sag Harbor, NY, USA
Real Estate > Land
Is the soil from the top of the hill or the bottom? I want to be sure that the full history and also the nutrition is present. Thank you.
The sample is from the Top of the Hill.
Masimba Hwati works between Harare, Zimbabwe, and Capetown, South Africa. He taught sculpture at the Harare Polytechnic, Department of Printing and Graphic Arts from 2006 to 2016. Masimba is interested in Transformation of Knowledge systems, histories and philosophies that inform national narratives in Southern Africa. He experiments with sculpture, photography, video and performance. He has collaborated with several artists from South Africa and Detroit, Michighan, where he is part of the Zimbabwe Cultural Center. and works with collectives in Zimbabwe and southern Africa. He participated in the 56th edition of the Venice Biennale under the Zimbabwean pavilion.
Ghidini & Modrak
I’m not sure if I’m selling a token of 126 years of struggle for land. The IOM office in Harare estimates that 500,000 to 4 million Zimbabweans are in Diaspora. Maybe they or anyone might appreciate a souvenir. The pricing of $36 is based on the number of independent years from the British Colony. What does it mean to sell a country and buy it or steal it? An expression of the suffering of a land caught in the midst of human greed? Most African Countries declare their freedom from former Colonizers but are they free?